T-Redx always aims to provide the best delivery service for all your orders.
After successfully placing an order at the website t-redx.com, you will receive an email to confirm the order, including details of the successfully placed order and a call to confirm the order from the care department. Customer care from T-Redx.
T-Redx does not support co-checking, meaning you cannot check the goods upon receipt. However, you can return the goods within 7 days, please see the return policy HERE. In case you need co-checking (fees apply), please contact customer service for support.
In case you refuse to receive the goods, T-Redx will collect an additional return fee, equivalent to the shipping fee of the order you placed.
To facilitate return and exchange, please record a video when opening the goods, avoid using sharp objects to open the package as it may cause damage to the product inside. In cases where the product is damaged due to customer error, T-Redx unfortunately cannot support you in exchanging/returning/warranty the product.
When customers receive the goods, please check the correct product code and included accessories (if any).
If unexpected problems arise on the Customer's side, T-Redx will flexibly support and resolve the following cases:
· Incorrect address
· Customers want to schedule delivery
Force majeure cases such as natural disasters, traffic accidents, etc. T-Redx always supports and ensures your rights.
For any questions and suggestions, please contact 093 467 3241 or Email: Tredxofficial@gmail.com